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Mrs Miniver: the wartime rose that almost vanished for ever

It is exactly 75 years since MGM released Mrs Miniver, a tale of stiff upper lips accompanied by the wail of air raid sirens. The film’s most famous moment is when Greer Garson (in the title role) disarms a German airman she finds hiding in her garden and slaps him in the face. In another scene – echoed in the first series of Downton Abbey – the local stationmaster wins a prize at the annual flower show, for a rose named after the village heroine.

Mrs Miniver was a hit on both sides of the Atlantic, and played a major part in the war effort. Roosevelt insisted it be rushed into movie theatres, to galvanise public support for America’s entry into the war after Pearl Harbor. Churchill declared it “did more for the Allies than a flotilla of battleships”. The film took six Academy Awards in 1943.

That same year, American rose grower Jackson & Perkins jumped on the bandwagon with the introduction of a hybrid tea rose called ‘Mrs Miniver’. The plant had been bred in south-eastern France by César Chambard (one of the leading rose breeders of his day) and appears to have been an excellent introduction. Flowers were scarlet with darker reverse, large and strongly fragrant. They appeared in flushes through the season, opening from long, slender buds.

Over the decades, the reputation of the film has dwindled; unfairly, in my opinion, for it is much more than a sentimental tear-jerker, or a propaganda piece. I wondered what happened to the rose. All I could find was a laconic mention on an American website, and a (rather lovely) artist’s impression. I have always revelled in plant names – for me, they seem to add to a plant’s personality.  A few years ago, after being dazzled by seeing A Star Is Born for the first time, I learnt there was a rose named after Judy Garland, and set my heart on growing it. Although the plant was bred in the UK by Harkness Roses, it is now only available in the United States. Four summers later, two plants are now in bloom on our front balcony, their prodigious red-and-gold bicolour blossoms the talk of the street.

The 'Judy Garland' rose Credit: Maureen Ruddy Burkhart/Alamy 

It therefore distressed me that a rose as emblematic as ‘Mrs Miniver’ could have simply vanished. It did not appear in any catalogue – it had been dropped by Jackson and Perkins decades ago, and the French breeders were long defunct. Perhaps an English cottage gardener in a rural backwater had kept a specimen pruned and tended? I set myself the challenge of tracking her down. In early 2014 I enlisted the help of Becky Hook of La Roseraie du Désert, a nursery in south-west France specialising in old roses, who is regarded by many as the Sherlock Holmes of the rose world. (She it was who guided me through the cumbersome process of importing ‘Judy Garland’.)

Becky finally traced the plant to a collection in what used to be East Germany.  Although the Europa-Rosarium at Sangerhausen, 62 miles east of Leipzig, holds an astonishing 8,300 varieties, sadly ‘Mrs Miniver’ was no longer among them, having perished in the hard winter of 2012. I spoke to the rosarium’s director, Thomas Hawel, who located one last surviving plant in a private garden in another part of Germany.

In 2014 I wrote a letter to The Daily Telegraph, asking: “Would readers join me in encouraging a British grower to repatriate ‘Mrs Miniver’, after so many years, and bring her back into commerce?” No British grower stepped forward, but I discovered I was not the only person with a yearning to save this rose. Among those was Ysenda Maxtone Graham, whose grandmother, Jan Struther, created the fictional character of Mrs Miniver in a series of newspaper columns that became a book. Ysenda – author of The Real Mrs Miniver (2007) – told me that her grandmother made extensive tours of the United States and “she would appear on stage clutching one of these roses” (no doubt supplied by Jackson & Perkins). “She made a rule of never being rude about the film in public – officially, she thought it was marvellous. She told her children to do the same,” she said.

First flower and buds on 'Mrs Miniver' Credit: Andrew Crowley for the Telegraph

My recovery mission then suffered another setback. Out of the blue, Europa-Rosarium sent me an envelope of budwood cuttings to propagate, presumably taken from the private garden. I was on holiday at the time, and arrived home two weeks later to find a bundle of dead twigs. Budwood cuttings would in any case have challenged my propagation skills, so I enlisted the help of St Bridget Nurseries, a family-run Exeter business established in 1925. Although it sells everything you would find in a garden centre, it grows 90 per cent of its plants on site.

Tammy Falloon (great-granddaughter of the founder) told me they often propagate roses for individual clients. “We talk people through the process, what plant material we need and when. The cost works out about £10-15 per rose. What people forget, however, is that the full production process takes just under two years.” I immediately asked St Bridget to propagate a batch of ‘Judy Garland’ (which are prospering) but ‘Mrs Miniver’ remained a distant prospect. Fast forward two years. A friend of Becky’s in Germany, an amateur rose grower called Marten Briese, had procured cuttings from the private garden and succeeded in propagating two ‘Mrs Minivers’.

Despite being appalled by Brexit, he was willing to send them to me, and last autumn they were installed on my roof deck in large pots of John Innes No 2, along with a surprise gift that Marten described as “another old lady I have rescued”. ‘Lady Rachel Verney’ is another hybrid tea, introduced in 1935, with large, frilly, sugar-pink flowers and a fruity fragrance. Claydon Estate in Buckinghamshire – the ancestral home of the Verneys – has a fine rose collection, but did not even know of the existence of ‘Lady Rachel’. “We await her arrival with excitement,” says Nicholas Verney, Lady R’s great-grandson. I hope to deliver a plant when we have taken cuttings.

Orlando Murrin with 'Mrs Miniver' rose on his roof garden in Exeter Credit: Andrew Crowley for the Telegraph

As for ‘Mrs Miniver’ – she didn’t let us down. On 4 June 2017 – the exact anniversary of the film’s release in 1942 – our two bushes had several sprays of beautiful scarlet pointed buds, with some half-open and expelling a rich, fruity fragrance. Clusters of very large magenta flowers followed, the colour vibrating thrillingly with the scarlet buds. Both plants look very healthy. This autumn, with St Bridget Nursery’s help, we will take as many cuttings as we can, and next year, the Maxtone-Grahams will be throwing a party in honour of the rose. With any luck, before long we will have some to spare for the Mrs Miniver fan club.

Six of the best red roses

There are many purple-red varieties, but true reds are worth seeking out.

  • ‘Ena Harkness’ (named for the third wife of Philip Harkness’s uncle) was the most popular red rose from just after the war until the 1960s. Harkness believes ‘Carris’ (2007) is an improvement: a healthy hybrid tea with a spicy scent, which doesn’t get too tall and gives lots of flowers over a long season.
  • ’Darcey Bussell’ (2005, AGM) is one of David Austin’s ‘modern meets old-fashioned’ shrub roses, with rosette-style blooms, highly floriferous and with a strong scent.
  • ‘Geranium’ (1938, AGM) is a vigorous large shrub (a moyesii hybrid) which give double value: single scarlet-orange flowers (a bit like poppies) followed by elongated red hips in autumn.
  • ‘The Prince’s Trust’ (2002) is a first-class climber, with intense colour, healthy and easier to train than ‘Dublin Bay’ (1969, AGM).
  • ‘Deep Secret’(1977) is a luscious dark red - almost black - hybrid tea, very fragrant. It is one for the collector, and requires a lot of care to keep it healthy.
  • ‘Royal William’

    (1983) A hybrid tea named for HRH Prince William, the deep velvety red flowers have a subtle fragrance and mature to look slightly old-fashioned. Blooms over a long season on neat, bushy growth.

Roses worth saving

Harkness Roses bred the ‘Judy Garland’ rose in 1977, and Philip Harkness is fifth generation  in the family firm. He believes you cannot expect a rose to live forever.

"There are so many variables - soil, care, weather - but roses normally live about 15 to 30 years, much less in a pot. The most important thing is pruning - and it’s so simple you don’t need a book. 

"In nature, rose plants would be burnt by forest fire, eaten, cut down by frost or stampeded over by animals. None of them make a fuss. So chop your roses down hard - and I mean chop - in spring, and they will naturally make a lot of new shoots from the base and then form bushy plants, with plenty of sun-ripened growth. If you faff about, you end up not doing such a good job."

Harkness can think of several reasons a variety might become extinct.

  • "Fashions change, and if a rose isn’t selling, it isn’t economic to keep producing it. When you’re propagating roses, only  50-80 per cent of what you produce will be saleable. You have to have commercial discipline to stay in business. ‘Judy Garland’ did well for five or six years, then pastel shades started to take over from intense colours."
  • "All our plant breeding is focused on healthy, easy-to-grow plants, with good fragrance and colour. With some exceptions, when you propagate a new variety over a period of time, it gets weaker, and pathogens evolve to attack the plants; the roses get weaker, and the pathogens stronger. The larger the population of a new variety, the less time it will stay healthy.
  • "New, better roses are being bred all the time. A good new variety should have a commercial life of 15-20 years, so when people get bored with one variety, there is something better to replace it. As for replant disease, planting your replacement rose in a large cardboard box filled with fresh soil and mycorrhizal stimulant really does work."
