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Q&A: Sweet Love on viral covers, S-Club tour and what's to come

Sweet Love are the new kids on the block. A four-piece girl group inspired by pop icons but making waves in their very own way.

Fresh from supporting the much-loved S-Club on their arena tour last year, the group have big plans for 2024.

CelebMix gets to know Honey, Jasmine, Venice and Maya.

Q: Hi girls, thanks so much for chatting with CelebMix! What have you been up to today?

A, Honey: Thank you so much for having us. Wow we have so much to tell you. So, we have been working on lots of music that we cant wait for you all to hear. We got lots of shows coming up in 2024 and lots off content its all so exciting. Today we’ve just been in the dance studio with our choreographer Ginger, rehearsing for a show called ‘Voice In a Million’. We were invited to be the special guests performing for 8,000 talented young singers at Wembley which is really cool… There are so many exciting things but I don’t know if we can say about absolutely everything just yet! Watch this space.

Q: You’re the new kids on the block but have been turning heads already – how did the group form?

A, Jasmine: I’ve known Blair, our manager, since I was 13 years old. My mum contacted him regarding management and he told my mum to go buy me a pony instead of chasing music as it was incredibly hard to break into. He said that he thought that, as I was so young, I would probably grow out of it. Then my mum went back every year to Blair until I was old enough to prove that I still loved music myself. I started sending him singing videos and messaging him lots, showing him that I wasn’t going to give up. Eventually he asked to meet me and my mum about an idea he had about making a girlband.

I was absolutely 100% in and loved the idea then we started searching for girls we thought would be a great fit. I put forward so many girls whilst Blair was speaking to a few and then I thought of Honey as I knew of her from school. Honey came on board and recommended Venice as they were both in the same year together. Then Blair scouted Maya, He knew a photographer friend called Sarah, who was the girlfriend of our now producer Charlie. Sarah had just done a shoot for Maya for a modelling job and posted a picture on Instagram of Maya. Blair Reached out and asked if she could sing, and Maya said that ironically it’s all she ever wanted to do. The rest is history in the making.

Q: A lot of people may recognise you from supporting S Club on tour. How did that come to be?

A, Venice, aka ‘Baby V’: So our manager is friends with Bradley from S-Club, they used to hang out as Blair used to be in a band too. Blair reached out to Bradley and Bradley really pushed to get us on as no one had seen us perform yet. Initially it was only the first two shows but S-Club all sneaked side of stage to watch us and decided that they wanted us for the whole tour. We were so blown away.

S-Club were so lovely, they made us feel super welcome and really boosted us to chase our dreams. We felt so fortunate to have been given such an incredible opportunity to showcase ourselves to thousands of people all over the country and in 17 Arenas including three times at the O2, it was amazing and the S-Club fans were also super supportive. There are no words to describe how grateful we all are.

Q: Have you got any funny stories or highlights from life on the road?

A, Honey: One of the funniest stories is when we were all stopped at a services on the way to the next venue, it was really late at night and we all went to the toilet. Long story short, Venice accidentally left her bag under an automatic hand wash dispenser whilst drying her hands and when she went back to her bag, it was filled to the top with soap and bubbles, it looked like a foam bath. It went all over her phone, laptop and headphones, we were all laughing so much.

A, Maya: A massive highlight for all of us was performing at the 02 Arena. It was so surreal and there’s actually a video online of our set and during our cover of ‘Photograph’ Jasmine broke down in tears, it was so cute and such a moment for us all.

A, Jasmine: I think the realisation had only just kicked in of how incredible the whole experience was. I think my brain finally realised, ‘wow Jas your dreams are coming true’.

A, Honey: OMG, I think the best one is Blair with his Cornish Pasty. We were in the car and he opened the window to cool it down whilst the car was moving and it just exploded and went absolutely everywhere. We were all covered in pasty and laughing so much.

Q: We love your covers on social media. What’s the process behind picking a song and giving it the Sweet Love treatment?

A, Baby V: Aww thank you so much! We usually either choose a song that is trending at that time or a song that’s a classic that was once extremely popular and that most people would know, it’s a really cool way to draw people in to have a listen. Sometimes we will just cover a random song that we all love. We split up harmonies and then just play around with it. We all sit in a room together and Jas or Honey play piano and we work it out. It’s so much fun.

Q: What’s the plan for this year… we hear there might be some original material in the pipeline?

A, Jasmine: We are going to start releasing music starting the second half of this year. We’ve been in the recording studio a lot just working on our sound. It’s been so much fun, we got to be a part of the writing process and put our input in so it’s really us as Sweet Love. We cannot wait to show everyone what we’ve been working on over the last year! It has actually been like a crazy rollercoaster ride, we’re just excited to share with the world who Sweet Love really are.

Q: Where can people stay up to date with your stuff and what’s to come?

A: You can find us on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok @Sweetlovesworld, we are always replying to comments and DMs – we love speaking to you guys!

We’d love to get to know more about each of you… how about some quickfire questions?

Q: Favourite food?

Honey – Pizza Express Margherita pizza with Parmesan cheese on top
Jasmine – Chicken and Mexican rice
Maya – Probably pie and chips
Venice – Penne Arrabbiata

Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Honey – To be able to read minds.
Jasmine – Invisibility
Maya – Teleportation
Venice – Same as Maya, definitely teleportation.

Q: If you could take one album to a desert island, what would it be?

Honey – SOUR, Olivia Rodrigo
Jasmine – Christina Aguilera, Christina Aguilera
Maya – 25, Adele
Venice – 4,Beyonce
